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against public health risks and promoting the betterment of society. In line with
                the  requirement  to  modernize  China’s  governance  system  and  capacity  for

                governance, and in light of new issues and circumstances in the public health field,
                the  Standing  Committee  arranged  for  the  enactment  and  revision  of  laws  to
                strengthen  the  system  of  legal  guarantees  for  public  health  in  order  to  build  a
                stronger line of defense for the health and safety of the people through the rule of
                law. We responded to public concerns, actively reached out to the public to clarify
                epidemic  prevention  and  control  laws,  and  provided  legal  support  for
                anti-epidemic efforts and economic and social development.

                     Since  last  year,  the  Standing  Committee  has  earnestly  exercised  its  statutory

                powers of enacting laws, conducting oversight, making decisions, and appointing
                and removing officials. In total, we deliberated 48 drafts of laws and decisions and
                adopted 34 of them, including 5 new  laws, 17 revisions of existing  laws, and 12
                decisions  on  legal  issues  and  major  issues.  We  heard  and  deliberated  39  work
                reports, inspected the enforcement of 6 laws, conducted 3 special inquiries and 7
                research projects, and  passed 1  resolution. We  also  approved  5 bilateral treaties,
                and  reviewed  38  bills  covering  a  total  of  282  appointments  or  removals  of

                employees of state bodies. We achieved new progress and new results in all fields
                of our work.

                     I.  We  worked  to  ensure  full  implementation  of  the  Constitution  in  all
                aspects of state governance.

                     As  China’s  fundamental  law,  the  Constitution  represents  the  most  concrete
                embodiment  of  the  will  of  the  Party  and  the  people.  Upholding  law-based
                governance and the lawful use of power begins with the Constitution.

                     Under  the  leadership  of  the  CPC  and  in  accordance  with  constitutional
                stipulations, the Standing Committee made the decision to confer national medals

                and titles of honor on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the
                People’s Republic of China, with President Xi Jinping signing a presidential order
                to this effect. The nation’s highest honor was awarded to 36 prominent figures who
                have made outstanding achievements in the development of the People’s Republic
                of China, as well as 6 foreigners who have contributed greatly to cooperation and
                exchange  between  China  and  other  countries.  This  was  the  first  time  that  a

                ceremony  was  held  to  award  multiple  national  medals  since  the  current
                Constitution came into force. The Standing Committee also made the decision to
                grant special pardons to certain criminals serving prison sentences, with President

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