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journey to build China into a modern socialist nation in all respects and
                   achieve the Second Centenary Goal.

                       With great historical initiative, tremendous political courage, and a strong
                   sense of responsibility, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping
                   at its core responded calmly to changes and a pandemic of a magnitude not

                   seen in a century and achieved new major progress in advancing all areas of
                   the Party and country’s endeavors. This further demonstrated the strong
                   leadership of the Party Central Committee, the boundless might amassed by
                   more than 1.4 billion Chinese people under the Party’s leadership, and the
                   great strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it fills us with
                   greater confidence and resolve as we forge ahead on the new journey and
                   make greater contributions in the new era.

                       2021 was also a year of particular importance in the history of the people’s

                   congress system. The Party Central Committee held the first-ever Central
                   People’s Congress Work Conference, where General Secretary Xi Jinping gave
                   an important speech, providing profound answers to a number of major
                   theoretical and practical issues concerning the development of socialist
                   democracy     with    Chinese    characteristics   and   the   preservation    and
                   improvement of the people’s congress system in the new era. He described

                   the system of people’s congresses as one of the Party’s major institutional
                   achievements of the past century, offered a systematic explanation of the
                   important concept of whole-process people’s democracy, and put forward the
                   guiding thought, major principles, and main tasks for enhancing and
                   improving the work of people’s congresses. The Party Central Committee
                   then issued the Guidelines on Upholding and Improving the People’s
                   Congress System and Enhancing and Improving the Work of People’s

                   Congresses in the New Era. The Party Central Committee’s major plans and
                   General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech pointed the way forward and
                   provided us with fundamental guidance for carrying out the work of people’s
                   congresses in the new era.

                       Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central
                   Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the NPC Standing Committee
                   remained closely aligned with the Party Central Committee’s major decisions
                   and plans, the people’s aspirations for a better life, and the need to modernize

                   China’s system and capacity for governance. We performed our duties in
                   accordance with the law and fulfilled our responsibilities as we embarked on
                   a new journey to develop China into a modern socialist nation in all respects.
                   Our main work of the past year was as follows.

                       First, we further improved laws relating to the Constitution and
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