Page 3 - Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive in Unity to Build a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects
P. 3

14th  Five-Year  Plan  for  Economic  and  Social  Development  and  the

                   Long-Range  Objectives  through  the  Year  2035,  and  conducting  a  thorough
                   review of the Party’s major achievements and historical experience over the
                   past  century.  At  these  sessions,  major  strategic  plans  were  also  made  for
                   advancing the cause of the Party and the country. The Central Committee has
                   brought together the entire Party, the military, and the Chinese people and
                   led  them  in  effectively  responding  to  grave,  intricate  international
                   developments and a series of immense risks and challenges. With great effort
                   and  determination,  we  have  steadily  advanced  socialism  with  Chinese
                   characteristics in the new era.

                       Over  the  past  five  years,  we  have  continued  to  strengthen  the  overall
                   leadership of the Party and the centralized, unified leadership of the Central
                   Committee. We have devoted great energy to finishing building a moderately
                   prosperous  society  in all  respects.  We  have  fully  and  faithfully  applied  the

                   new  development  philosophy  on  all  fronts,  focused  on  promoting
                   high-quality  development,  and  worked  to  create  a  new  pattern  of
                   development. We have pursued reform at a swift and steady pace, made solid
                   progress  in  developing  whole-process  people’s  democracy,  and  advanced
                   law-based  governance  across  all  fields  of  endeavor.  We  have  actively
                   developed advanced socialist culture. We have ensured and improved public
                   wellbeing as a matter of priority and pooled resources to wage a critical battle
                   against poverty. We have made a big push to enhance ecological conservation.
                   We have worked with firm resolve to safeguard national security, fended off

                   and defused major risks, and ensured social stability. We have devoted great
                   energy to modernizing our national defense and the armed forces. We have
                   conducted major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics on all fronts.
                   And we have made sweeping efforts to advance the great new project of Party

                       We  celebrated  the  centenary  of  the  Communist  Party  of  China  and  the
                   70th  anniversary  of  the  founding  of  the  People’s  Republic  of  China.  We
                   adopted  the  third  resolution  concerning  the  Party’s  history,  organized
                   Party-wide activities to study Party history, and inaugurated the Museum of
                   the Communist Party of China. We called upon all Party members to study
                   and apply the great founding spirit of the Party, and we encouraged them to
                   create a brighter future by staying true to the Party’s founding mission with
                   greater resolve and purpose on the new journey ahead.

                       In responding to the sudden outbreak of Covid-19, we put the people and
                   their lives above all else, worked to prevent both imported cases and domestic
                   resurgences,  and  tenaciously  pursued  a  dynamic  zero-Covid  policy.  In
                   launching  an  all-out  people’s  war  to  stop  the  spread  of  the  virus,  we  have

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