P. 16

14                       MAO TSE-TUNG

           consist only of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people -
           it is a pity that they do not include Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomin-
           tang. Here one side does not want to fight and the other does. If both
           did not want it, there would be no fighting. Now, since only one side
           is against it and this side is not yet strong enough to check the other,
           the danger of civil war is extremely grave.
              Our Party pointed out in good time that Chiang Kai-shek would
           stick to his reactionary policy of dictatorship and civil war. Before,
           during and after the Seventh Party Congress,  we did fairly adequate
           work to call the people’s attention to the danger of civil war, so
           that the whole people, our Party members and our troops should be
           mentally prepared well in advance. This is a very important point,
           and it makes a world of difference whether or not there is such pre-
           paredness. In 1927 our Party was still in its infancy and was mentally
           wholly unprepared for Chiang Kai-shek’s counter-revolutionary sur-
           prise attack. Consequently the fruits of victory won by the people
           were soon lost, the people had to undergo long suffering, and a
           bright China was plunged into darkness. This time things are
           different; our Party has acquired the rich experience of three revolu-
           tions  and a much higher degree of political maturity. Time and
           again, the Central Committee of the Party has clearly explained the
           danger of civil war, and so the whole people, all Party members and
           the troops led by our Party are in a state of preparedness.
              Chiang Kai-shek always tries to wrest every ounce of power and
           every ounce of gain from the people. And we? Our policy is to
           give him tit for tat and to fight for every inch of land. We act
           after his fashion. He always tries to impose war on the people,
           one sword in his left hand and another in his right. We take up
           swords, too, following his example. We found this method only
           after investigation and study. Such investigation and study are very
           important. When we see the other fellow holding something in his
           hands, we should do some investigating. What does he hold in his
           hands? Swords. What are swords for? For killing. Whom does
           he want to kill with his swords? The people. Having made these
           findings, investigate further - the Chinese people, too, have hands
           and can take up swords, they can forge a sword if there is none
           handy. The Chinese people have discovered this truth after long
           investigation and study. Warlords, landlords, local bullies and bad
           gentry and the imperialists all have swords in their hands and are
           out to kill. The people have come to understand this and so act
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